Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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261 lines
; KISS-TNC-HEX-LOADER.MAC - KISS TNC Intel Hex Loader v0.3
; k3mc 8 Aug 86 v0.1
; 4 Oct 86 v0.2
; 18 Oct 86 v0.2a
; 18 Oct 86 v0.3
; v0.2 correctly sets the SP for either 16k or 32k of memory, and strips
; the parity bit from incoming chars.
; v0.2a allows 8k of RAM
; v0.3 try horrible hack to allow use w/o cutting JMP6
org 4000h
RAM equ 8000h ;Where the RAM begins
ENQ equ 5h
ACK equ 6h
NAK equ 15h
colon equ ':'
rr_eof equ 1 ;Record Type for End of File / begin execution
; SIO equates
SIO equ 0dch ;actually, only A5 is used for SIO -cs
A_dat equ SIO+0 ;Modem port
A_ctl equ SIO+1 ;Modem port
B_dat equ SIO+2 ;user serial port
B_ctl equ SIO+3 ;user serial port
RR0_RXR equ 1 ;Receiver Char Avail bit
RR0_TBE equ 4 ;TX Buffer Empty bit
; The general form of an Intel HEX record is as follows:
; :LLaaaaRRdddd..ddCC
; where LL is the number of bytes of data between RR and CC,
; not including RR or CC.
; aaaa is an address (see below),
; RR is a record type,
; dd are data bytes,
; and CC is a checksum, calculated as follows:
; CC = - ( LL + aaaa + RR + dd + dd + ... ( modulo 256 ) )
; That is, adding all the bytes LL to CC (inclusive), you should get zero.
; These are the record types needed:
; RR = 00 record type = data. aaaa is the load address for the data.
; RR = 01 record type = end of file.
; aaaa is the beginning execution address. LL is 00.
; :00aaaa01CC
; So, for example, if the start address is 8000, the last line of the file is
; :008000017F
; In this implementation, trailing checksums are ignored; you don't even have
; to include them.
di ;for this test, NO INTERRUPTS!
; Figure out where top of stack is, set stack pointer.
; silly TNC-2 does not do complete address decoding for the RAMs if you are
; using only the two 8k x 8 chips. Hack to figure out top of memory so we can
; set stack pointer. This is REQUIRED by the KISS TNC.
; newer hack to see if we've only got 8k RAM (v0.2a)
ld a,(9fffh) ;top of RAM if only 8K
ld b,a
ld (9fffh),a
ld a,(9fffh)
cp b
jp z,ok_8 ;we have at least 8k of RAM
halt ;else there is no RAM, so stop
ld a,(0bfffh)
ld b,a
ld (0bfffh),a
ld a,(0bfffh)
cp b
jp z,ok_16 ;we have at least 16k of RAM
ld sp,0a000h
jp stack_loaded ;else we only have 8k of RAM
jp ok_16
; NOTE!!!! This is a horrible hack to allow automatic detection
;of the fact that JMP6 on TNC-2 has not been cut. This causes an RST 7 to
; happen, which we trap and go through a normal boot sequence... I TOLD you it
; was a hack! v0.3
org 4038h
jp 4000h ;force a boot if jumper not cut
ld a,55h ;one value
ld (0bfffh),a
ld a,0aah
ld (0ffffh),a ;other value
ld a,(0bfffh) ;get what should be 55h if 32k
cp 55h
ld sp,0
jr z,stack_loaded ;if is 55h, then we've got 32 K, else 16 k
ld sp,0c000h ;force stack value.
;init SIO for async
ld b,nb ;n bytes for init
ld c,B_ctl ;to B port
ld hl,binit ;with these bytes
otir ;NOW!
ld a,5
out (A_ctl),a ;Ready WR5
ld a,80h
out (A_ctl),a ;turn off STATUS LED
call getchar ;returns char into A reg
cp ENQ ;is it Control-E character?
jr z,ENQCHR ;yes, deal with it
cp colon
jr z,saw_colon ;Go into Intel Hex download mode
call putchar ;if neither, just echo it
jr loop
ld hl,ENQ_string
ld a,(hl)
or a
jr z,loop
call putchar
inc hl
jr ENQ_loop
call rdbyte
ex af,af' ;save in other register set for a sec
call rdbyte
ld h,a
call rdbyte
ld l,a
call rdbyte
cp rr_eof ;is it record type 1 (begin execution)?
jr nz,data_record ;no, it's just another data record
;else we give machine to downloaded program
jp (hl) ;and go do it!
ex af,af' ;get length value back
ld b,a ;and ready loop index
call rdbyte
ld (hl),a
inc hl
djnz load_loop ;load 'em up!
; Note, we ignore checksums completely
call getchar
cp colon
jr nz,find_colon ;spin for a colon
jr saw_colon ;when we find colon, deal with next record
;*** Reads 2 characters from SIO, converts them to binary, and returns value
;*** into A reg. Disturbs no registers except AF.
push bc
call getchar
call mk_binary
ld b,a ;save hi part
call getchar
call mk_binary
or b ;get hi + lo parts
pop bc ;be tidy
;*** Convert the ASCII character into Binary character (src & dest is A reg)
push hl
push de
call makeUC ;if anybody uses lower case, it's OK
sub '0' ;convert ASCII -> binary (sorta)
ld d,0
ld e,a
ld hl,btable ;base of translation table
add hl,de ;produce pointer into table
ld a,(hl) ;get corresponding binary
pop de
pop hl ;cleanliness is next to Godliness
btable: defb 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0ah,0bh,0ch,0dh,0eh,0fh
;*** If the character in A reg is lower case, this makes it upper case.
cp 'a'
ret c ;if less than an 'a' we're done
cp 'z'+1
ret nc ;if > than 'z', not a letter, so we're done
and 5fh ;else force to UPPER CASE
;*** Get a char from user TTY (Port B), no interrupt mode. Return it in A reg.
in a,(B_ctl)
and RR0_RXR
jr z,getchar ;wait for a character to be typed
in a,(B_dat)
and 7fh ;strip parity bit (Phil's suggestion)
;*** Put a character to user TTY (Port B), no interrupts. Char is in A reg.
push af ;we will need A
in a,(B_ctl)
and RR0_TBE
jr z,ploop ;Wait for Transmitter buffer to become empty
pop af
out (B_dat),a
binit: defb 1ah,0,14h,44h,3,0c3h,5,0eeh,11h,0 ;magic SIO inits
bi_end equ $
nb equ bi_end-binit ;Number of bytes in previous string
defb "KISS/Raw TNC Intel Hex Loader v0.3 18 Oct 86",13,10,0
end start